Case Study: Journey to Ranking a Health Niche Website (Conclusion)

A month or two ago, I started my health niche website in a sub-niche that had very little competition with the opportunity make some good money. You can read the first installment here.

Let’s have a look at the good news first and then the bad news and break it down.

The Good News

The good news is that I was able to put up a small affiliate site in less than a day with about 6k words of original unique content. The content on this site was not ground breaking nor did I focus much on each individual page.

My only concern was to optimize the front page of this niche site for sales. I knew that not much traffic would be landing on individual pages and that most traffic would hit my front page and be gone within a few minutes.

I put up a nice testimonial and then a large call to action at the very top of the page. This was converting well but not as much as I expected. To further increase my click through rate, I added a video and some large cheesy red text for my call to action. I did not know how well this would work, but my click through rate skyrocketed to around 10% which I was more than happy with.

seo-moneyWithin 1 month I was able to rank this site to number 1 for the biggest keywords I was targeting. As you can see from the first post, these keywords had some decent search traffic and I was soon getting around 700-800 unique visitors a day.

Since I was getting around a 10% click through rate, I was able to push about 70-80 visitors to the sales page each and every day. From the sales page, which was laid out very well, those visitors converted at around 10% as well.

So if we do some quick math, you can see that within a month, I was able to bring a site from nothing to around $200-$300 a day in profit! It even held up under the Google Hummingbird update that was rolled out without anyone knowing about it until it was later announced.

This passive income lasted for about a month total and then crashed. So what happened?

The Bad Newspenguin-2.1-300x165Well, shortly after the Google Hummingbird update rolled out, Google decided to strike fear into the hearts of SEOs with another update. This time, they rolled out penguin 2.1. Virtually overnight, the rankings of the health niche site plummeted into the hundreds, not to be seen again.

Penguin 2.1 seems to be a bit more smart than Penguin 2.0. Some findings show that links created after the Penguin 2.0 roll out were looked at and subject to a penalty from the new penguin. Forum spam, forum bio spam, do follow blogs, blogroll spam, spammy directories, and blog comment signature spam were all targeted.

Of these types of links, I made heavy use of blog networks to rank this health niche site with a typical rank and bank type attitude. I knew that the earnings would not last forever, but it is a very quick way to rank a website and it looks like I just got unlucky with the timing of this update.

What To Do?

I have taken some time to look into the link profile of this site, and currently I do not have the time nor motivation to clean it up and keep going. In fact, it might be a better idea to just start over with a fresh domain. I have been very busy the last few weeks but I also may try doing a 301 to a fresh domain and seeing if I can squeeze some more money out of this site.

Instead of going full steam ahead trying to fix this site, make sure you stay watch for a new guide I be releasing to make $100 a day through Adsense. After I release that guide, I will be starting a new case study where I follow my exact tutorial and show you all how anyone can make $100 a day with Adsense with a little hard work.


Overall, I was able to make a good $3,000 within 1 month from a simple affiliate site and with very little money invested. Yes, it got hit by an update, but such things will happen when you decide to go blackhat. The key is to keep your head up and keep moving forward!


  1. john November 8, 2014
    • Neil November 8, 2014
  2. Kate January 4, 2015
    • Neil January 5, 2015

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